
A B2B digital platform where fair food trade is made easy, fast and transparent!

Big Idea

Agri Marketplace is a digital platform for buying and selling agricultural food crops that promotes direct negotiation between farmers and the agro industry. The business model aims to promote fair trade and transparency in the food supply chain by eliminating the costs of traditional intermediation. At the same time, it ensures access to value added services, such as distribution and logistics, offering producers and buyers access to and the ability to negotiate in a truly global market, transposing the barriers of local markets with less cost. Selling and buying agricultural products is made easier through the marketing, sales, logistics and certification tools the platform provides, as well as rigorous market research and a 100% secure payment system. The Agri Marketplace is, thus, the alternative to boosting agricultural business.


Tiago Pessoa – CEO; Filipe Núncio – Founder; Luís Silva – Founder; José Eduardo Magalhães – Founder.

Portugal Ventures Investment Manager

Adão Oliveira