
Environmentally friendly solar panel cleaners

Big Idea

ChemiTek is a Portuguese company specialized in the development, production, and distribution of efficient and environmentally friendly chemical products for industrial maintenance. With a diverse portfolio, we offer innovative solutions for various sectors, including the solar and glass industries. Our proprietary formulas, specifically developed for the solar industry, make us a reference in the field. We specialize in innovative and biodegradable contaminant removal agents and coatings for dirt mitigation and efficiency improvement. At ChemiTek, they are dedicated to shaping a future where biodegradability and environmental respect are fundamental principles in the development of chemical products. With a strong commitment to sustainability and technological advancement, we aim to optimize solar energy production, reduce operating and maintenance costs of solar installations, and promote the optimized use of water in solar cleaning processes.


César Martins – CEO & Founder; André Coelho Santos – Vogal.

Portugal Ventures’ Investment Manager

Nuno de Almeida