
RIng for SImultaneous Massage and ElecTrotherapy

Big Idea

The RISIMET (RIng for SImultaneous Massage and ElectroTherapy) method was created and developed by the physiotherapist Joaquim Paulo Fonseca and collaborators and consists in the simultaneous execution of two of the most used techniques in the field of physiotherapy – manual massage and low frequency electrotherapy.
The combination of these two traditional techniques allows to increase the potential of their individual effectiveness, reducing both the period of each treatment and the total number of sessions, which results in important benefits in quality, comfort and costs involved for both the Professional and the patients.
To achieve these results, a metallic electrical conductor with a ring configuration was designed. It includes a 2mm connector terminal to establish the connection to low frequency current generating devices. This small and easy to handle device is incorporated in the index finger of the Professional, thus functioning as a mobile electrode during the execution of manual massage.
The innovative and exclusive character of the RISIMET Method and Device provides numerous application opportunities in various areas – musculoskeletal, neurological, traumatological, dermofunctional.

Activity Highlights

  • Winner of the 2nd Program NEWTON 4.0 (Edition 2020-2021).
  • NEWTON 4.0 is an open innovation program promoted by RIERC – Network of Business Incubators in the Centre Region, in partnership with Turismo Centro Portugal and funded by Turismo de Portugal IP. It aims to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship in the tourism sector of the central Region, through the creation of pilot projects involving startups to solve real problems of challengers/players in the sector.


Joaquim Paulo Fonseca – CEO; Constança Fonseca – COO.

Portugal Ventures’ Investment Manager

Helena Maio